Google Wallet is now available in India | TechCrunch

Google on Wednesday launched its digital wallet in India with local integrations, nearly two years after…

Gemini Android app to soon get ChatGPT-like real-time responses

The Google Gemini app for Android smartphones will soon offer real-time responses to user queries, a…

CCI denies interim order restricting Google from charging its service fee

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) on Wednesday declined an interim relief order that would…

Cerebral palsy affected IIT Guwahati student’s dream placement in Google

It was sheer grit and determination that led cerebral palsy-afflicted 22-year old wheelchair bound Pranav Nair…

A new supersonic jet, Notion launches a calendar app, and CES chases off sex tech | TechCrunch

Welcome, folks, to TechCrunch Week in Review (WiR), a digest of the past few days in…

Qualcomm unveils chip for mixed reality to compete with Apple’s Vision Pro

Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 Qualcomm Inc., the biggest maker of mobile phone processors, announced…

Google’s loss to Epic will likely have little impact in the near-term

The logo of Google Play is seen on a screen. Alexander Pohl | NurPhoto | Getty…

Your guide to ranking higher on Google

In today's fast-paced digital world, achieving high Google rank is not just a challenge, but has…

Cyber gang cheating people by booking fake appointments at Delhi-NCR hospitals busted

The Delhi Police busted a cyber gang operating in Jharkhand this week by arresting a man…

$25 billion to be invested in India, Google, Amazon CEOs Sundar Pichai, Andy Jassy reveal big plans

During PM Modi’s visit to the US, Sundar Pichai, Google CEO and Andy Jassy, CEO of…