Socialists to Ursula von der Leyen’s conservatives: Don’t work with far right

But she indicated she would be open to a deal with the European Conservatives and Reformists…

Von der Leyen opens the door to Europe’s hard right

The choice In her campaign pitch on Monday night, she told the audience, which included people…

Von der Leyen vs. everyone else at the Maastricht Debate — live updates

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Von der Leyen’s controversial envoy pick resigns hours before first day

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s has been battling accusations of cronyism since awarding the highly…

Europe’s Socialists scramble for ideas to fight far-right surge

“The very soul of Europe is at risk,” warned Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. During the…

Whistleblower threatens to pull out of Uber hearing

Uber whistleblower Mark MacGann is threatening to withdraw from a European Parliament hearing on the Uber…